2023, AI & Marketing

The year AI went mainstream

We all know from the headlines that 2023 was the year AI went mainstream. Within five days of launch, Open AI’s ChatGPT garnered more than 1 million users, catalyzing a generative AI revolution.

What does this mean for B2B marketing?



Do you know what AI’s transformative forces mean for B2B marketing? We’ve given this subject some thought, and based on our work, we can share:

  • Resources that helped us become fluent in combining marketing with AI’s potential,

  • Tools that are driving value for Hoopla Consulting’s clients and,

  • Recommendations for 2024



In our research, these five resources influenced our thinking the most. Together, they offer a comprehensive exploration of AI's transformative potential, guiding marketers to navigate the evolving terrain of AI-driven marketing in the digital era. They are listed in order of cost – from free to investment required.

AI Marketing — The Complete Guide from Hubspot. This comprehensive guide to AI marketing navigates the dynamic intricacies of leveraging AI for marketing strategies. It was originally published in April but was just refreshed in October, showing its staying power.

How to Design an AI Marketing Strategy, Harvard Business Review. This article was authored in back 2021 yet still packs a punch. Drawing from pioneering case studies and expert analyses, it elucidates the fundamental principles and best practices for seamlessly integrating AI into marketing frameworks.

UVA's Darden School on Artificial Intelligence in Marketing This insightful four-week curriculum (which can be audited for free!) delves into emerging trends and best practices. It aims to equip marketers with the tools and knowledge necessary to leverage AI as a powerful catalyst for driving innovation, efficiency, and impactful customer experiences.

The AI Marketing Canvas: A Five-Stage Road Map to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 1st Edition As a devotee of the Value Proposition Canvas, I was thrilled to find an "AI Marketing Canvas" with a five-stage roadmap, meticulously designed to facilitate the seamless integration of AI into marketing endeavors.  Highly recommended!

Marketing AI, Certificate Program from Cornell This program is for professionals seeking to master the intricacies of AI-driven marketing strategies With a focus on real-world case studies and hands-on exercises, the program empowers participants to gain a holistic understanding of AI's role in shaping contemporary marketing landscapes.



In our 2023 practice, we consistently found that AI offered benefits in two categories. The first is easy-to-adopt, no-code marketing tools to enhance B2B marketing efforts. The second type is for a marketer’s productivity, freeing up more time to invest in higher-order AI marketing strategies.


Automating Lead Generation: We’re huge HubSpot fans! And the free HubSpot Chatbot Builder is just one more example of this company’s prowess.  It’s a great option for businesses that want to automate tasks, such as booking meetings and qualifying leads. The chatbot builder is easy to use and does not require any coding knowledge. You can skin the bot to match your website’s style guide easily. We’ve also used it to create natural chatbot sequences and personalize the messages from a client’s customer relationship management (CRM).

Content Creation: Tools like Copy.ai can assist in generating content ideas based on AI analysis. Some marketing professionals and clients fear using AI to create content because they worry about plagiarism, poor quality, or inaccurate content. These are the reasons we encourage the use of Copy.ai in particular. This tool doesn’t merely spit out copy. Think of it more as a speedy, SEO-friendly brainstorming partner. The work's author is always in control – bouncing ideas, formats, and templates off this generative AI.

Social Sentiment Analysis: The tool we feel most confident recommending to our clients who are just getting started with sentiment analysis across their social networks is MeaningCloud. It’s another no-code solution that offers a free tier in its pricing plans. It’s a viable option for discovering customers’ opinions and level of satisfaction


AI can boost your personal productivity as a marketing professional. We’ve tested, digested, and given full-throated endorsements for these productivity tools.

  • When our free ChatGPT account gives us busy messages, we turn to Bard. Google’s answer to OpenAI is faster and more precise with research questions.

  • The other research tool we rely on for more complex topics and queries is Genei. We used to track research subjects with Google searches and alerts, but Genei trumps it. Once you add relevant keywords, Genie scours the web for content and new sources, summarizes and identifies new keywords, and itemizes the references it relies on.

  • Writing and rewording AI tools like Grammarly and Wordtune have permanently changed how we work. Seriously, don’t send another email without considering AI’s viewpoint on getting your message across.

  • Need to create yet another PowerPoint deck? When we lack inspiration, we turn to Slidesgo’s free service. It can’t finish your presentation, especially if you must work in a specific template that’s brand-compliant. But it can shift tone and length with a mouse click. It also shares creative images and design suggestions. 



In 2024, we’ve got three simple but effective recommendations for our clients, partners, and ourselves. First, we urge continuing education in this rapidly developing field. Generative AI is not a fleeting tech trend. 2023 has proven that this technology will continue altering the marketers' landscape. Next: experiment, experiment, and then experiment some more. If you haven’t yet, implement one or more of the tools we recommend and track the impact. We’re confident you’ll save time, improve processes, and gain insights.

Finally, integrate this force framework into your marketing strategy and operation. The three forces that enable AI in marketing are 1) networks, 2) data, and 3) algorithms.

  1. In the context of B2B marketing, your networks are the systems that capture and exchange data across platforms and channels including social media, websites, customer relationship management (CRM) systems and more.

  2. B2B networks gather data, the raw material from which AI’s insights and predictions are generated.  This data can encompass customer demographics, purchasing behavior, online interactions, and market trends.

  3. And the data is acted on by algorithms (mathematical models), which generate a comprehensive understanding of their target audience and market dynamics through predictions and recommendations.

Collectively, these three forces—networks, data, and algorithms — lay the groundwork for the successful implementation of AI in marketing, empowering businesses to harness the full potential of AI-driven insights and strategies. Future-proof your B2B marketing by analyzing how nimble your systems and teams are to harness the power of these three forces to drive customer engagement, enhance brand visibility, and achieve sustainable growth in today's competitive marketplace.

Happy Selling!